Site Review
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LiveJasmin is one of the oldest sex cams sites and the most trusted adult entertainment site. The homepage layout is made of HQ thumbnails and small video screens where you can see a preview of a particular model. You can switch between the views like classic, most popular, newbies, alphabetical and Jasmin's best and with simple scrolling, more models will upload.
Every model can be ranged by their status, build, age, hair, language region, breasts, ethnicity and willingness. If you point on any thumbnail, it will show you a model's name. The categories are called channels and that is where the real fun is actually. You can choose from two following options, all model channels and new model channels.
What you will get with this option is something like arranging the whole site to go by the models, making it easier for you to choose the one that you like the most. LiveJasmin will allow you a free sexy chat with their hot models but if you want to watch a show you must become a member but do not despair because you can actually take a peek into a models chat room so feel free to explore.